Manufacturer of rotadrill well drilling rigs. Equipment line includes truck, trailer and track-mounted drill rigs for water well, mineral exploration, blasthole, geothermal, mining and environmental applications.
Manufacturer, distributor and service provider of drill rigs, rotary drill pipes, adaptors and stabilizers used in the drilling industry.
Design and manufacture drill rigs, flight and hollow stem augers, auger accessories, and sampling tools and systems suitable for auger, rotary or core drilling applications .
Manufactures hydraulic casing hammers built specifically for rotary machines, and cable-tool drill rigs.
Offers environmental and geotechnical drilling services with auger and air rotary rigs, statewide and in surrounding states. Describes capabilities, staff, and equipment.
Foundation drilling equipment manufacturer and repair company specializing in drilling rig track mount conversions, drilling tools, slurry systems, rig modifications, repairs.
Handles LDH and LLDH drill rigs but also brokers assorted heavy equipment, overhauls drill rigs and sells drilling supplies.
New and used drilling equipment, drill rigs, boosters and air compressors, brokerage, and valuation services throughout Australia and the world.